What is UV on hardcover book printing?


Hardcover book printing manufacturers often say UV glazing, so what is UV glazing? KS Printing will tell you:
UV is the abbreviation of Ultraviolet. UV glazing is a kind of glazing coating, which refers to the glazing oil and ink that can change from liquid to solid under certain ultraviolet light. This process is widely used in the processing of paperware, trademarks, pictures and other products. In many cases, UV coating is also applied to the processing of hardcover book covers, because UV coating has the following advantages.

1. Fast curing. Due to the strong affinity between UV varnish and ink, the adhesion is firm, so it can be cured quickly.

2. the quality of glazing is good, the brightness of UV prints is better than that of ordinary prints, and the coating cured after UV glazing is wear-resistant, more resistant to chemicals and chemicals, and has strong stability, and can be directly watered Or ethanol wipe will not fade.

3. Less pollution, UV varnish contains almost no solvent, so there is very little organic emission in the process of varnishing, so air pollution is reduced. At the same time, our KS Printing printing technicians will also be due to the emission of exhaust gas during operation. Reduce and improve the working environment and reduce the chance of fire.

4. Low cost, UV glazing has many active ingredients and less volatilization, so it can save materials. Generally, the coating area of varnish on copper paper is about 4g/square meter, so the relative lamination cost is low.

5. The process defects of the film can be avoided.

6. Recycling, which solves the environmental pollution and resource waste caused by the inability to recycle the composite paper base of plastic materials.
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